Tuesday 30 August 2011

I mean, seriously?!

I am going to start a 'series' (get me!) about things that happen that make me think 'I meeeeaaaan, seriously?!'

I mean, seriously?! Thought 1.

Our Government are trying to save money because of the mass of debt they have managed to build up. Fair enough but someone should probably tell them about St Ann's Hospital in North London.

I receive a letter in the post telling me William is due for a revue appointment with a number to call. I call said number and explain the letter to the receptionist.
She says: 'I'll send you an appointment in the post'
Me: 'Can you tell me when it is for?'
Her: 'No, you'll receive a letter in the post'
Me: 'And if I can't make that appointment?'
Her: 'Call back and we'll send you another appointment'
Me: 'Right'
Me (in my head): thatisthemoststupidstystemihaveeverheardofwhatareyouanidiothowdoesthatevenmakesenseyouarewastingsomuchofmyprecioustimeandyou'veruinedmydaybymakingmemad

So, just so you are clear, the NHS, in their job culling, hospital closing down, cost cutting ways have approved a system where
a) a letter is sent out. COSTS - paper, ink, energy from PC, energy from printer, labour costs, postage costs
b) I call them. COSTS - my phone bill
c) another letter is sent out COSTS - paper, ink, energy from PC, energy from printer, labour costs, postage costs
d) I probably can't make that appointment what with all the other appointments, speech therapy, sign language lessons, teacher of the deaf lessons, playgroups, swimming etc, so I make another call COSTS - my phone bill
e) yet another letter is sent out. COSTS - paper, ink, energy from PC, energy from printer, labour costs, postage costs

I mean, seriously?

Why not call me, offer an appointment and we can discuss and conclude right then and there? Fools.

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